Writing on the heels of my recent blog post, I want to pick your brains about things that test your comfort levels in books.
I was inspired to ask this question after rewatching movies from the Final Destination collection, and as if I needed even more confirmation that it needed to be asked, I was also making progress through an audiobook reading of The Creeper by A. M. Shine and had to pause from disgust at the mention of a loogie being swallowed. Because..yuck.

The intersection of these events simultaneously happening is where the question comes in of what and why certain scenes in media and entertainment encourage rave or disgust. I understand that shared experiences are perceived differently and what is my ‘yuck’ might be your ‘yum’. Opinions of the media consumed are subjective, and it’s expected. But, what is it about blood and guts and remnants of shattered bone that give people a thrill? I’m assuming it’s the execution of making something theatrical seem real (lol).
In my younger years, I could stomach more than I can now. I’ve gotten to the point that seeing gore makes my butt clench and I must peak through my fingers or look away. Whenever I read or listen to something that makes me uncomfortable, I’m either cringing or gawking (lol). Gone are the days of little to no reaction, and I’m more sensitive to what most people are ambivalent about. Le sigh.
Something else that makes me uncomfortable, but not necessarily go eww is music that’s paired with memorable scenes or characters. Below are three that live rent-free in my head.
The Cat in the Bag Scene from Them (I’m not linking it here. It’s disturbing to me and if you want to see it, you can google it.)
‘Stop Dat Knocking’ from Lovecraft Country
Tip Toe Through the Tulips from Insidious
If you know, you know. If you don’t know, then you need to watch for yourself.
The loogie swallowing in The Creeper was memorable, but I don’t think I’ll recall it without re-reading this post or my socials about it. Unsurprisingly, scenes from the Final Destination movie collection are exaggerated freak accidents that uptick my existing paranoia of similar things happening to me. Although impactful, they are only for a moment.
I’m searching for uncomfortable books that will make me feel like the movie and tv scenes I’ve shared in this post. Haha (lol). For someone that’s sensitive, I really do test myself by seeking out the unsettling.
In the comments, share and suggest some uncomfortable books, tv shows, and movies you’ve come across. I’d like to know.
P.S. I have heard about The Playground by Aron Beauregard. I’m not sure I want to go there when it comes to pushing my limits (lol). Kudos to those of you that have completed it.
Talk to you soon 😊!