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January 2023 Reading Dashboard
General Housekeeping
Before jumping into the meat of this post, I must preface it by mentioning some notes and statements of disclosure.
If there is a review/reaction/reflection posted for a book, they are linked or embedded in a list immediately following this section. No links or embeds? No problem. It simply means I need to link or embed them (teehee). They may or may not be posted yet and I do not plan on writing a blog post for every book I’ve read. I’m aware that every book review should not be a think-piece (lol) and because I know I tend to write too much sometimes, I err on the side of posting mini-reviews on my socials.
If you are curious about my thoughts about any of the books in this post please check these areas:
- Located near the end of the sidebar menu, on the right-hand side of this blog page, select ‘Book Reviews’ category
- Use the ‘Search’ box to search for any of the books mentioned
- Click here to check out my Social Bar. I often compose mini book reviews/reactions/reflections under my reading trackers and bookish social accounts more than I dedicate published blog posts to them. My mini reviews can be found on:
- Goodreads
- Litsy
- LibraryThing
- StoryGraph
- Readerly
Note: There are affiliate links in this post and if you click on them and make a purchase, we will earn a commission from it. We appreciate your support and thank you in advance.
January 2023 Books Read
Phew! Hello, hello, hello!
In the month of January 2023, I read 5 books total (Amen) and an aggregate of the following:
1 x Short Story Collection

2 x Memoirs

2 x Thriller


January 2023 Reading Stats – Charts and Graphs

Question of the Day (QOTD)
QOTD: What kind of reading month did you have in January 2023?