Imbued with emotion and reflection, Call and Response will supply readers with a front-row seat into Botswanan life. In 9 beautifully written, self-revelatory stories, we experience the inner turmoil and contradictions of embracing cultural traditions in post-colonial Botswana, inevitable shifts and changes in shared bonds between people, coming of age, navigating familial expectations, and the all too familiar event and memories of homecoming.
Be prepared to traverse around cities of Botswana, and witness the characters’ revelations of themselves as they answer their call.
Unsurprisingly, after experiencing failure at the first bar, Hubert remains hopeful. It’s moments like these that display how supportive Hubert is, but I cannot help but wonder if he’s only being supportive because it further protects him and his secret. What say you?
Beautifully written, Okra Stew: A Gullah Geechee Family Celebration is heartwarming, and compelling, and shines throughout with themes of family and food, and their emphasis on passing down cultural traditions.
Resuscitating My Love for Reading This post may contain affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Bear with Me, I’m a Newbie I promise I’m working on other bookish blog posts. While they are in the works, please bear with me as I work on the aesthetics and overall functional layout of this blog. With time everything will fall into place, so for now please appreciate the blank canvas and foresee its potential. I didn’t want to hold off on blogging due to my writing process and initially was…
Maggie’s upright world which she’s carefully curated, suddenly tilts on an unbalanced plane. Talk to me! Will Maggie tell Hubert about Claude? Will Claude tell his parents about him and Daisy? What do you think will happen next?
What’s the purpose of this post? Realistically, weekends are more conducive to productivity for me and the blog. My weekdays are consumed by a full-time finance position in Higher Education, keeping home, reading, whatever else comes up and now drafting blog posts. Lately, I’ve shared ‘Weekend Reads’ posts to social media, and as of recently, I’ve realized how long-winded those have been. I tend to get passionate about whatever is going on in the media I’m absorbing, and before you know it I’m either ranting, raving, or rambling about it (lol). In retrospect, those social media posts really should have…
Mediums, curses, ghosts, and supernatural elements fill the pages of What Stays Buried. I hope my review has convinces you to consider it for your next spooky read.
Coughing, congestion and Christmas cooties got me in a chokehold. Reading is literally the least I can do next to mandatory napping. When I’m awake and not reading, I’m watching shows with ‘demon’ in the title. I wonder what that says about me.
For June 2023 I will be reading and discussing the following books: Empty Vows by Mary Monroe, Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, and ‘Til the Well Runs Dry by Lauren Francis-Sharma. If you are interested in any of the titles, please consider joining me. I don’t want to read alone. 🙂 So join me this month in reading!
I read Piñata by Leopoldo Gout for a book club and here are my thoughts. I liked the prologue of this book. I will mention that more than once in this review. It was so impactful and set up the scene for a great story. Based on the prologue alone, I was convinced that the story would build around it and be more fleshed out.
Happy Hump Day and welcome to the WWW Wednesday post for March 22, 2023! WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that answer the Three Ws.