Book Review: Our Love Will Devour Us by R. L. Meza | The Epitome of Eating Someone Out of House and Home
Our Love Will Devour Us follows a married couple whose testy relationship is further bowed under pressure once their two children go missing during a snowstorm. As time passes, decision-making becomes increasingly difficult, temperatures sharply decrease, and tempers and toxic memories kick up. Can Emma and Claire work past their differences to find their children and mend their family?
How Did You Get Back Into Reading More Books?
Resuscitating My Love for Reading This post may contain affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Bear with Me, I’m a Newbie I promise I’m working on other bookish blog posts. While they are in the works, please bear with me as I work on the aesthetics and overall functional layout of this blog. With time everything will fall into place, so for now please appreciate the blank canvas and foresee its potential. I didn’t want to hold off on blogging due to my writing process and initially was…
June 2023 – Buddy Reads with Reading Beyond the Book Cover
For June 2023 I will be reading and discussing the following books: Empty Vows by Mary Monroe, Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, and ‘Til the Well Runs Dry by Lauren Francis-Sharma. If you are interested in any of the titles, please consider joining me. I don’t want to read alone. 🙂 So join me this month in reading!
Book Review – Pretty Things by Janelle Brown
Meeting someone by chance is one thing, but purposely crossing paths with them again is another. Written in a dual timeline from the perspectives of Nina and Vanessa, a grifter and an heiress, Janelle Brown’s Pretty Things highlights how the world of these two women merge and impact each other amid a scheme gone awry. The twists and turns in this story culminate into a book you won’t want to put down.
Let’s Talk About It: Owning More Than One Copy of a Book
I’m somehow still surprised when someone expresses a thought that’s almost my exact sentiments. The tweet attached to this post came across my Facebook feed via a Facebook Group I’m a member of, and I immediately had to ‘love’ and share.
Book Review: A More Perfect Union by Tammye Huf | Love Knows No Bounds
A More Perfect Union is a 2020 historical fiction novel inspired by the union of the author’s great-great-grandparents, an Irish immigrant and an African American slave. It was surprising and had its challenges, but overall proved to be an inspiring love story, supporting the notion that Love knows no bounds.
Book Review/Reaction – The Foreign Exchange by Veronica G. Henry
Veronica G. Henry’s The Foreign Exchange is reminiscent of a cozy mystery with Haitian voodoo elements.
Road to Review – Mrs. Wiggins (Lexington, Alabama #1) – Chapters 5-7
Unsurprisingly, after experiencing failure at the first bar, Hubert remains hopeful. It’s moments like these that display how supportive Hubert is, but I cannot help but wonder if he’s only being supportive because it further protects him and his secret. What say you?
Book Review: How to Be a Better Adult by Jacque Aye | This is Not a How To Guide, It’s a Journey
How to Be a Better Adult is a book that expresses most, if not all feelings that many people experience while navigating their work and personal lives. It’s a quick read with a relatable main character trying to make sense of adulthood. Truthfully, most of us reside in a similar headspace (lol).
The Jot Down for October 11, 2023
If you aren’t following me, I’ll have you know that I’ve been taking my time to post more regularly on YouTube. Clap. Clap. Clap.
Book Review: The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart by Shane T. Clark | And He Didn’t
The Devil Won’t Keep Us Apart by Shane T. Clark is a suspense novel and revenge story crafted around a father-son relationship between an elderly man, Elmer Ray, and his next-door neighbor, Adrian Franklin. I received a gifted copy of the book in exchange for an honest review from the author via Booktasters, and here it is. 🙂
Currently Reading – What’s On My Nightstand, April 20, 2023
What’s On My Nightstand is a sometimes weekly blog post, composed to update you all on what I’m currently reading. Why? Because I’m terrible at updating my social cataloging apps. I know. Shame on me.