If you are following me on any social cataloging apps, chances are what’s reflected isn’t necessarily what’s occurring. I’m terrible at updating my daily pages or minutes read, and the only accurate and real-time details are the date I finished a book and my ratings. And that’s mostly on Goodreads.
So…to fill in the gaps or paint a better picture of what I’m reading, I’ll compose a post like this. I’m calling it “What’s On My Nightstand” because I always have a stack of books on my nightstand and do most of my reading in bed. See how that worked out? 🙂
On My Nightstand
I’m a mood reader and it’s rare that I have less than 5 books going at a time. Lately, it seems things have changed. Interestingly enough, I’ve unconsciously picked up a habit of choosing books according to the time of day. So, instead of juggling 5 books, I’m juggling a cute 3. This is what my reading “schedule” has looked like recently.
Morning Book Pick

I’m reading this because (in a week) I’ll be officially announcing a Buddy Read for this series. Fingers crossed that I get some buddies to read with me.
I may or may not make Buddy Reads a staple for this blog. However, to be on the safe side, I’ve started using the hashtag #buddyreadswithrbtbc to make it easier for people to keep up and interact with everything related to Buddy Reads hosted by me.
Please use the hashtag #buddyreadswithrbtbc if you will be participating or are sharing across platforms.
Night Book Pick

I picked this up because I had seen several (3) Booktubers mention it.
Ty at Book Tribe
Njeri of ONYX Pages
Chloe of Thistle & Verse
At first I was going to try my library and see if they had an ebook. Then one day, I was on BookSirens searching for an ARC to read and review, and it was there. Because of how I obtained the book, I think the universe wants me to read it. 🙂
Note: I really should be picking this book up more often because there’s a hard deadline of when it should be read and reviewed for BookSirens.
Mood Book Pick

And then there’s this book. I received a NetGalley ARC of it and been should’ve read and reviewed it. It was released March 28, 2023. >_<
Honestly, I maybe would’ve had this book done before it was released, but the book isn’t grabbing my attention. I’m at the 20% mark and I’m waiting for something more strange to happen. Right now the story feels slow paced because suspicious activities are happening here and there, but not enough for me to be nosy. I hope the pacing picks up soon.
What’s on your nightstand? Kindly let me know in the comments.
Thank you for stopping by.
Until the next post, you can find me and my chaotic shelves in these necks of the internet: