Road to Review – Mrs. Wiggins (Lexington, Alabama #1) – Chapters 22-25
Phew. These chapters were something else y’all. Daisy is continuously dragging the Wiggins family name through the mud and Oswald finally makes his first on-page appearance. How much can Maggie continue to bear before she completely cracks under the pressure?
Book Review: The Creeper by A. M. Shine | You Had Me at “Uh Oh”
A. M. Shine’s ‘The Creeper’ is negligibly unnerving. The Creeper and its rules played with my mind and dredged up fear of suffering from the consequences of not believing in the unexplained.
Piñata by Leopoldo Gout | What Did I Just Read
I read Piñata by Leopoldo Gout for a book club and here are my thoughts. I liked the prologue of this book. I will mention that more than once in this review. It was so impactful and set up the scene for a great story. Based on the prologue alone, I was convinced that the story would build around it and be more fleshed out.
Direwood: A Gothic Tale of Vampires and Mystery | Book Review
What do you get when you combine a missing person, vampires, blood-siphoning butterflies, and caterpillars galore? You get Direwood by Catherine Yu.
FLASH Book Review – The Last Word by Taylor Adams
It’s common knowledge that artists can be sensitive about their work. In The Last Word, Taylor Adams zooms in on this and creates a fast-paced, action-packed, almost campy, good, old, wackadoodle time of a novel.
Weekly Meme for December 21, 2022 – WWW Wednesday
Happy Hump Day and welcome to the WWW Wednesday post for December 21, 2022! WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, where bloggers share the books that answer these three questions (the Three Ws): What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? If you want to participate and you have a blog, answer the three questions above and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. If you do not have a blog, leave a comment with your…
Book Review: Empty Vows by Mary Monroe | Tell the Truth, Lies Are Hard to Keep Track Of
Empty Vows is a continuation of the Lexington, Alabama series by Mary Monroe and immediately picks up after the events from the ending of Mrs. Wiggins. I will not go into much detail because this is the second book in a series, and I don’t want to spoil anything. I will, however, tell you how I felt about the characters, writing style, and pacing because the setting was the same.
The Jot Down for October 11, 2023
If you aren’t following me, I’ll have you know that I’ve been taking my time to post more regularly on YouTube. Clap. Clap. Clap.
Book Review: Our Love Will Devour Us by R. L. Meza | The Epitome of Eating Someone Out of House and Home
Our Love Will Devour Us follows a married couple whose testy relationship is further bowed under pressure once their two children go missing during a snowstorm. As time passes, decision-making becomes increasingly difficult, temperatures sharply decrease, and tempers and toxic memories kick up. Can Emma and Claire work past their differences to find their children and mend their family?
Book Review – Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith
If you are in the mood for an informative, reflective, and fast-paced read, I implore you to please pick up this book. The content of Wash Day Diaries was very relatable. I felt seen and uplifted.
10 Thoughts I Had While Reading – The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon
I like mess, and this book delivered. Here are 10 Thoughts I Had While Reading The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon.
Book Review – What Stays Buried by Suzanne Young
Mediums, curses, ghosts, and supernatural elements fill the pages of What Stays Buried. I hope my review has convinces you to consider it for your next spooky read.