Where do I begin with my review of Sierra Godfrey’s A Very Typical Family?
Let’s start with how this book found its way to me. It was the Big Libary Read pick for July 13-27, 2023.

Note: I hadn’t participated in a Big Library Read before deciding to participate in this particular one.
True to form, I did not read the synopsis of this book. Approaching my current reads without anything in mind is organic and ensures I’m not reading with others’ opinions at the forefront of my thoughts. I mention this because I was initially concerned that I wouldn’t enjoy A Very Typical Family.
My enjoyment came into question when I wasn’t sure where we were going as we followed Natalie Walker after her most recent life’s disappointment. She’s been passed up for a promotion, lives with a clingy best friend, and dating a man that’s B-O-S-S-Y (always making decisions for her). I didn’t want to be with her in that moment because it sucked (lol). Luckily, that apprehensive feeling dissipated with each introduction of new characters and fleshing out of her backstory. To be more specific, as the story progresses, the context behind her estrangement from her family becomes clearer.
The gist of A Very Typical Family explores the familial and other exterior relationships of Natalie Walker, whose movement of life’s trajectory tilts with news of her mother’s passing. She hasn’t been home in years and intentionally avoided a homecoming due to an incident that drew a wedge between her and her family members. She chooses to travel back home to salvage the loss of her mother’s estate. Doing so is not as easy as she would want it to be, because the settlement is dependent on a reunion of her and her siblings. This overdue visit results in Natalie facing her fears and the people she has avoided for many years.
In just a few days, Natalie gains new relationships, rekindles old ones, releases herself from toxic situations, and learns about the power of forgiveness.

A Very Typical Family was a journey that I didn’t expect to enjoy.
The characters aren’t likable, but their flaws are what make them real and relatable.
The book is medium paced, and we spend a considerable amount of time with Natalie as she takes a trial-and-error approach in mending or forging a relationship with each of her siblings. There’s not one way to build a bridge with either of them, so witnessing Natalie’s efforts in trying to reclaim lost time is inspiring and heartwarming.
The major theme of this book is forgiveness. Forgiveness is not always expected, nor is it given. When either occurrence happens, it’s suprising to at least one party; either the forgiver or the forgiven. In A Very Typical Family, we see how lack of explicit forgiveness can warp connections.
Another social theme highlighted throughout the book is the evolution of familial relationships. Natalie hasn’t seen her siblings in years. The large gap of time contributes to her being out of touch and blindly navigating how to communicate with them. People change, and that’s something that Natalie comes to grips with in each situation she’s placed in that involves her siblings, Lynn and Jake.
These themes and the character development is what I enjoyed most about the book.
Along the way of meeting the requirements of her mother’s will, Natalie meet people. One of those people becomes a romantic interest that’s somehow obvious and not so obvious to read because of the interference of other characters. Considering Natalie’s purpose of returning home to settle her mother’s estate, romantic elements in the book felt out of place to me.
I’ve read that some readers enjoyed the romance because the flirting was cute, and I can see how it would be a focus for some. I didn’t really care much for it. However, I did appreciate how exposure to a supportive relationship helped the main character realize her worth.
Natalie was so accustomed to being under the influence of her so-called “found family,” Teensy and Paul, that she thought that what they had to offer her was all that she’s capable of experiencing. It was sad to witness, though extremely rewarding once Natalie removed her rose-colored glasses. All the red flags were blurring her vision.
This Sierra Godfrey book is the first I’ve read. It will not be my last. Her writing style is easy to follow, and the story she’s constructed for the characters in A Very Typical Family is impactful.
If you are in the mood for complicated family dynamics and second chances you should choose A Very Typical Family for your next book pick. 🙂

Your narratives serve as a reminder that family is not just about blood ties, but about the bonds forged through shared experiences and unconditional support.
Thank you! You are very right. I couldn’t have said it better. 🙂